How does color represent your personality ?

    Word “Color” means lot in fashion world. Lots of shade are there of same color. But do we really care and understand meaning of these colors and their effect on us. As we all know first impression is the last impression so when you see a person you get impressed by the type of clothes he/she is wearing. Shabbily dressed i.e crushed clothes reflect an indiscipline person & irresponsible person. A person who wears matching colored clothes & accessories shows that a person is stylish.

    Every one has a different point of view and ideologies while wearing clothes. Some people wear clothes that do not suit them, they wear it because it is in fashion - these are a bit desperate or low self esteemed. Some people will always wear only certain types of clothes these are old fashioned & have a conventional setup of mind. Some people wear what they feel is comfortable and they do not put fashion before comfort - they are practical and sensible.

    Whatever color we pick up to wear, in some way or other is indicative of our personality. Clothes color and personality type are two terms that tell a lot about each other. Color and clothes styling says a lot about your individuality. It is interesting to know about the philosophy of colors.

    You must have noticed reserved people often choose to attire in sober shades, which do not flash their personality. On the contrary bold men can be often seen wearing dark bright shades that highlight their presence in the crowd.

    Here are some generalizations about colors that will show how color of clothes affects personality:
    • Red is symbolic of dominance, passion and sensuality. It is a color meant for bold and firm men who love to lead the world. If you want to make a distinctive fashion statement, red is the trick.
    • Peach and pink shades indicate coolness and calm. With pink, you'll look as fresh as a flower.
    • Yellow is the color of beautiful sunflower and fire. It conveys anxiety and alertness of mind.
    • Burgundy is indicative of spirituality. It is a rich color that decides how passionate you are.
    • Green comes from greenery. It represents freshness, relaxation and calm.
    • Brown is meant for classy informal styling. It conveys reliability and trust.
    • Gray is indicative of the fact that you are a balanced person in life. It looks elegant and is considered to be brainy.
    • Black, an all time favorite represents power. Acting as a symbol of elegance, versatility and grace, this color can smoothly sail in all functions.
    • White : It indicates purity and simplicity. Makes you calm and cool.
    • Blue is a color of warmth and trust. It's a fabulous shade that can be found in almost every man's cupboard.Source URL:
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