Maybe you're one of those brides who got the gem of a dress and put off getting your veil or head wear till later. Surprise! Tigerlilly has some magnificent head chic for winter. Check out the tarnish resistant rose petal hairpins above made out of Swarovski crystals. Sterling silver or gold with various colors available.
Below are just a few of Tigerlilly's headpieces and head jewelry. Notice how some look like clusters of snowflakes?
Birdcages are so in vogue now right now. These veils are easier to wear than the chapel or cathedral veils. Short and compact, a Birdcage can carry you through ceremony to reception to dancing till the wee hours of morning with little or no adjustment. . .
More Swarovski snowflakes . . .
Who says you can't wear brown netting if you're a bride? Darker colors pick up and compliment your complexion in the winter night light.